To help visitors understand how we gather as a church, we have provided a description of our weekly service below. Generally, our services are characterized by solemn contemplation of the Bible and its doctrines, passionate corporate singing, and friendly interaction with one another and our guests.
Sunday — 10:30 am
Pillar Church of Havelock
103 McCotter Blvd
Havelock, NC 28532
As we begin our time of worship, we sing several songs, offer prayers and hear Scripture read. Preaching at Pillar Church is generally expositional, meaning that it seeks to declare the point of a particular Biblical passage. Sermons usually last around 30 – 40 minutes and are packed with material for reflection. All preaching is driven by the Gospel, the Bible’s main message of God saving sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After the sermon, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, sing a song or two in response to what was preached and then close in prayer.
A typical service is finished by 11:45 am. After Service, some may wish to stay for a brief period immediately after service to spend time discussing the sermon or events from the past week over a cup of coffee.
The music we sing at Pillar Church is a blend of old and new. We love the doctrinally rich hymns of the sixteenth century and we find blessing in the choruses of the twenty-first. Most of us who are comfortable with music from one particular era have discovered, while at Pillar, that we have come to enjoy other songs we had not previously encountered. We strongly prefer congregational singing, which emphasizes the gathered body singing praise to God with one voice, over performed music, which tends to spotlight the abilities of some while encouraging passivity in the rest.
Our Children’s Ministry is currently for ages 0-3. We also have a ‘wiggle room’ on site for children who need to step our for a moment.
Children not within the age category are highly encouraged to participate in our Sunday gathering with their parents!
Pillar is a baptist church in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention. However, our congregation is made up of members from various denominational backgrounds. Our teaching is from a Reformed perspective and we embrace complementarianism in both the home and church. We are led by elders, served by deacons, and governed by the congregation.
Our services usually last about an hour and a half. Each Sunday service consists of prayers and readings from Scripture, 6 songs, a time for communion, and a sermon lasts about 35 – 40 minutes.
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Sunday — 10:30 am
Pillar Church is part of The Praetorian Project. The Praetorian Project is a family of Gospel centered churches near military installations worldwide. To learn more about our effort, visit praetorianproject.org
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